Fuji Xp2 Crops

Short post about resolving power of the X-Trans III. In the studio I decided to go for a more detailed approach with the Xpro2 then a artsy one and decided to stop the lens down to f2 ( Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm) and keep the Iso relatively low. When you combine these things with DR setting pumped to 200% you get magic... And quite a bit of resolving power. 

Full quality image.  

Full quality image.  

The picture above was taken at Iso 320, f2 and 1/550th of a second. The lighting used was a Fotodiox Flapjack Studio Xl. The lens used was a Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm with a Canon ef to Fuji x Speedbooster.

Huge crop in with lots of usable detail ! 

Huge crop in with lots of usable detail !